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Thursday, December 20, 2012


November was such a fun month for us. We spent so much time together as a family and playing with friends. November was also full of some of the most perfect weather you could imagine, so we spent tons of time taking advantage of it. 

Lovin on our bestest baby friend "Brynlaaaaaaay"

There were lots of girly giggles.

Lots of sister play time in their "secret space"

visits with our great-grand Mimi

a little sight-seeing with Gigi

there was a LOT of popcorn eating. Its the best. Especially when you have your "room" (broom), which is way more fun to ride on while saying "heeheehee!" than to sweep with!

there was some tree decorating. Who doesn't have a pink tree?!

tons of fun with cousins on our amazing trip to Nashville!

Somebody decided that Gigi was their most favorite person ever, demoting Papa to second place. It was a sad day for him. I don't see Gigi being dethroned any time soon though.

We love seeing our California cousins. The girls have so much fun together. It really is too bad that we don't see them more often. 

I would just like to share this story for the sake of documentation: After a wonderfully exciting, but very tiresome day of playing at the park in Nashville with our cousins, we went back to the hotel room that we were sharing with Gigi and Aunt Reagan. The plan was for Gigi and A.R. to share a bed and Roo and I to share one. Phia was supposed to sleep in a pack and play at the end of our bed. Supposed to. About 1.5 seconds after the lights went out, we realized that was not going to happen. I quickly resigned myself to the fact that some how, some way, I was going to have to get her to sleep in the bed with Roo and I. Yeah right. At midnight, we both wanted to cry. Phia had been flopping around the bed, poking us in the eyes, kicking, and talking for HOURS. I also wanted to climb over into the bed next to us, and kill the two sleeping beauties snoozing the night away. (LOVE YOU GUYS!!) I was so jealous!
At 2am, I desperately flung myself across the end of the bed, on top of the covers, and passed out. I have no idea what time my little monster finally gave in, but I do know that she was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7:15 the next morning. And I vowed to never, ever spend another night in a hotel room with her again.
And just for fun, my favorite car sticker ever. . . .

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween 2012

 We started the day with a little bat making. Phia was way more into the painting this time than she was the last time we tried, so that was fun. I completely forgot to take a picture of her finished bat and it's packed in the attic now, but it was hilarious! The eyes were completely crooked and wonky. It had a sort of "I flew into a tree" look. It made me smile every time I looked at it. 

Finally time to dress up! Phia is a butterfly, and after much pondering, Roo decided to go as a cat. Sadly, she lost her ears hours before the big event and ended up having to be a mouse. Exact same costume, just round ears instead of pointy. I think she looked adorable!

Somebody was excited!

She wasn't sure what to think of Papa is her hat. 

The gang

Brother. Oh Brother. Let's not get into the discussion about what he was. Let's just say he ended up being the Pope. Or Jesus. I'm really not sure. 

This was the 1st house we stopped at. I tried to get Phia out of the wagon to get some candy, but she wanted no part of it! As I tried to get her out, she latched on to the side and started screaming, "WHEEEEEEEEEE!" ("Whee" is what she calls anything she rides in or on: the bike seat, the swing, her ride on toys, the wagon, etc.) She wasn't scared, she just didn't want to get out of the wagon. 

So, she rode happily in the wagon for the next two hours. 

She rode around all night saying "poooopy!" Which is her version of "spooky!"

Hilarious story. Roo is like her Mama. Not a huge fan of actual "Halloween stuff". Loves the candy, does not love the spooky. She will skip over any house that has anything remotely scary. Seriously, she does not blink an eye over missing the candy. She says "nope!" and moves on. We never make her go. It's candy. If she wants to skip it, fine by us. This one particular house though, she put on her brave pants and went on up. About two seconds later, she was back. Crying and really ticked off. The guy was up on his porch, in the dark, wearing a Pinhead mask (from the movie Hell Raiser.) It's terrifying. 
I'm telling you, she was MAD. "Why would someone want to put on the horrible mask and scare little children like that when all they want is some candy?!" I said, "I don't know sweetie. I just don't know."
I wanted to say, "Because its hilarious!"

The great candy swap!

Someone was up WAY past their bedtime, enjoying their very first ever lollipop! 

the gang. 
we are actually missing 5 people from this picture! 

I don't love Halloween itself, but I do love the tradition we have started of having our friends and family over for food and fun. Making memories. I love it.