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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Morning "Altimore"

anybody else's' little Diva obsessed with the movie Hairspray?? I have to admit that it is adorable watching her sing and dance to all the songs with a truly valiant effort at mimicking the dance moves. Cha Cha Cha. But there's nothing quite like hearing your almost 3 year old sing, "they padded their cups, but I screwed the judges!" (from MISS BALTIMORE CRABS). Heartwarming, really. Makes me proud. Ugh. But what's a mommy to do? It's her absolute most favorite movie at the moment. Actually, she really could not care less about the movie-it's the singing and dancing she's interested in. The singing and dancing that we are ALL forced to be interested in too. "DANCE WITH ME EVERYBODY!" she so lovingly orders. And we all do. Because she is the Princess and we are her puppets :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It ain't easy?

Ok, so anyone thats ever met my beautiful, petulant, little Princess, even for a minute, knows exactly where my blog title came from. If you've never met her-stay tuned. You'll understand.