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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hark! the Harold Angels Sing, Christ is Born in. . .Bella's bedroom??

This morning I walked into Bella's room to find her standing on her bed, huge smile on her face, and a giant bulge under her princess night gown.
"Look Mommy," she says, "I'm gonna have a baby Jesus!!" Then she reaches under her night gown and "births" a little stuffed Savior right then and there. Baby Jesus was born today in my daughter's bedroom. It's a miracle!!
She was such a great mommy to Baby Jesus all day. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloth (a.k.a. her lovie) and carried Him around with her until bedtime. Throughout the day she tended to all of His needs: she fed Him "delicious Lucky Charms" for breakfast, shared her peanut butter sandwich for lunch, she took Him potty, and even kissed His booboos (that He sustained from repeated dropping on His head! ouch! Can Jesus get brain damage??).
It was really neat to watch her "interact" with Baby Jesus all day. So many of the things she said to Him, were exactly the same things I say to her. When He'd "cry" she would hold Him and gently bounce Him and whisper, "It's ok baby, Mommy's here" just like I do with her. After He'd "potty" she would clap and cheer, "YAY!! Mommy is so proud of you!" The love and care that she showed her baby was so touching; the gentle way she tended to Him let me know that maybe, just maybe I'm doing a pretty good job as a mom. Moms, if you ever want to know what kind of job you are doing, watch your daughters playing with their babies.


Aunt Mary said...

hahah i LOVED this one!!!! i can actually see her in vivid detail doing all of that stuff!hah little monster! you made me literally laugh out loud on this! :) love you!


Great story. Made me smile.

Prince Daddy said...

How funny! Great post! I remember thinking this was hilarious when you told me about it, but I just read your post today! Even better! I'm pretty sure that our Lord can not get brain damage, what a world in which Jesus turns water into grape jelly!

Oh and just so you know, you are a great mommy! I'd venture so far as to say the BEST Mommy ever!