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Sunday, September 2, 2012

See ya later summer!

 We aren't really saying good bye to summer because it will be hot as blue blazes her for at least another  month, but we are saying good bye to lazy lounge days because school is starting in 2 days! So to say so long, we created a potion lab in the little blue pool. It was basically a bunch of empty bottles, cups, and other kitchen utensils and it kept the girls busy for over an hour! YAY!

This smile makes me laugh-it's her fake "cheeee!" smile. She does it pretty much anytime she sees the camera, whether I'm taking pictures with it or not.

there's her real smile!

something about baby profiles makes me fall in love. I adore the roundness of their cheeks, the tiny swoop of their nose. And those tiny ears. *sigh*

 I have no idea what she was doing, but she kept doing it over and over so I had to take a picture. Smelling the water maybe?

Roo being a mad scientist. She kept doing her evil laugh-which is awesome- and Phia would mimic it every time. My sides were hurting I was laughing so hard!

A little potion mixing.

My heart. 


Life with Jaybob said...

SO wish the evil scientist laugh was on video!!!

also, totally agree with baby profiles.

*Princess Mommy* said...

evil laugh is on video! just can't figure out how to get it from my camera to here! asking for a flip for christmas!