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Saturday, September 1, 2012

There were 2 in the bed and the little one said. . .

I'm not sure what happened yesterday. It started off normal, but shortly after Daddy left for work, I went insane. It was bound to happen with three monsters home all day. Shortly after 10am, I decided that we needed a playroom. MUST have a playroom. It's been on my mind a lot lately, but for some reason, I decided on a whim that yesterday must be the day it happened. That may not seem too crazy to some, but to do this it meant putting both of my super-duper light sleeping girls into the same room every night for bed. Scary! Especially since Phia has a tendency to sometimes wake up at about 6am, cry for 15 or so minutes, and then go back to sleep. That pretty much means that I will have a 7yr old that normally sleeps until 7:30/8 awake at 6. Not good.
I threw caution to the wind, and with no daddy home to help and one crazy demanding 17 month old at home, the big kids and I set about taking apart both of the girls' bedrooms. For about 5 hours it looked like a war zone in our house. It was awful! But after beds were disassembled and reassembled, the world's heaviest dresser was moved, and billions of toys and art were re-hung, I LOVE the results!
It's so snug and cozy! I have a true love of small spaces, they feel so much warmer and snugglier (is that a word?) to me. Roo has crawled into her bed about 10 times saying, "It's soooo cozy in here!"

 Phia seems to like to too. She is constantly climbing into Roo's bed and snuggling up on a pillow. (Phia is dressed that way because the girls have been playing "cave girls" all the time lately.)

 The playroom is excellent! We really thinned out their toys and kept only the really loved ones. The amount of stuff they had was ridiculous and truth be told, they only played with a tiny portion of it. Now it is full of only the things they really play with on a regular basis. They have been in it non stop.

Even the boys seem to enjoy it. There was an hour long game of "Forcefield" this morning. Swords, "shinging" (Roo's word for getting run through with a sword), and escaping death with a special forcefield. It was really exciting. And loud. 

The reading area is my most favorite. It's tucked away and cozy and has giant maps on the walls! What's not to love?!

It seems to be Bella's favorite place as well-I can find her there at pretty much any given moment playing on the laptop or reading. 

I really, really hope the sleeping works out because I adore the set up of the new rooms. So functional! If the rest of the nights go like last night, it's going to be perfect!

1 comment:

Life with Jaybob said...

loving the "new" rooms. jacob's room recently got a makeover-without actually adding anything new. he has a bunk bed that does a T shape when it is together. but, and i know this is odd, whenever he has sleepovers, no one, including him, wants to sleep on the top. odd. anyway, i got my stepdaughter to help me pull them apart one day and put the top one on the floor. i used the two "end" as headboards. it actually turned out pretty cute. anyway, it solved the problem!

here is a pic of it: