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Friday, February 1, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

This year for Christmas, we purposefully kept things small. Very small. While trying to make out the kids' Christmas lists, even they had a hard time deciding what to ask for. Why? Because our kids need nothing. So, instead of buying a bunch of junk just to make it look like they got a ton of stuff, we focused on getting them each the things they really wanted. Quality, not quantity. 

Truthfully, Daddy and I were pretty nervous about it. We worried about the kids thinking Christmas stunk. That they would be disappointed that they didn't have a billion gifts to open. But not once did we ever hear a single word of disappointment. They were each thrilled with the gifts they got, and honestly, they appreciated the gifts more because they were the things they truly hoped for. Small, but purposeful.
Wacky was super easy. The kid is a rock star. Amazing at playing the guitar. But, his best guitar conveniently broke shortly before Christmas. His gift was a no brainer. Santa brought him a new guitar. A really, really nice one.
Roo wasn't very hard either. She wanted a Brave doll. She needed a new bike. She loves to draw. So, Santa knew just what to bring her. . .a Brave doll, a bike, and a "How to Draw Fairies and Mermaids" book! I'd say she was pretty excited!

Phia was probably the hardest of the three. Daddy and I thought and thought about what to ask Santa for for her. Finally, we had it! The girl goes non-stop! We needed something for inside the house to help get some of her energy out! Santa knew just what to bring. . . 

Santa also brought her a potty because its getting to be about that time. . . 

As it turns out, kids don't need a gazillion gifts to be happy on Christmas!


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