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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It was a big big day.

you had such a big day yesterday! Not one, but TWO very important things happened. . .
1. You found your first 4-leaf clover! You might as well have found a unicorn or a leprechaun. I love the way you get so excited over the smallest things. You make my heart so happy.

2. You solved your very first Wheel of Fortune puzzle all by yourself, with absolutely no help from anyone! It was "Get to the point". It looked like this:
G_T   T_   TH_   _ _INT

You were so excited and so very proud of yourself! I was so proud of you too! You are growing up so fast little girl! Slow down and wait for Mommy ok?


gloverfamily said...

Love that she solved Wheel of Fortune! Your kids are so cute and I love their nicknames. I am so glad you are doing frequent posts now! I am especially grateful for the posts about Phia being, well, Phia! Ha, ha. Nicole and I spent a long time wondering what we did " wrong" to get kids who never sleep, are always moving and keep us going nonstop. Seeing your posts about how all kids are different is really helpful. All kids are perfect, but sometimes it is nice to be reminded:)

Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

That's so awesome......congrats Roo! You are such a smart cookie! And Bethany I just love the 1st pic! You are awesome too!