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Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Sign of the Times?

I like to think that I am a cool mom. Not the WAAAAY "cool" kind that looks at her children like "little adults" trapped in midget bodies. Not that kind. But the kind of mom that has found a nice balance between letting her kids feel big and experience the world while keeping them close and not experience too much. The kind that doesn't shelter too much of the real world but enough to keep my kids from growing up too quickly. I think I'm failing. Below is the list of why.
The other day we are riding in the car and Bella busts out with, "OH HOT DAMN, THIS IS MY JAM! KEEP ME PARTYIN' TILL THE AM! YA'LL DON'T UNDERSTAND, MAKE ME THROW MY HANDS IN THE AI-ER, AI, AI-ER!" Perhaps you've heard that song. Catchy little tune. Not so much when its your THREE YEAR OLD singing!!!
Strike one.
Then a few days later, another song that she apparently loved was on the radio, and in the middle of singing along, she stops long enough to inform Daddy and I, "I want you to put this on my ipod." HUH?!?! You have an ipod?? Did I miss something?  So I ask her, "You have an ipod?" "No, but when you buy me an ipod I want you to put this song on it, ok?"  ummm. . . .
I know she knows about ipods. Her favorite thing to do with Aunt Mary is listen to hers. But how did she know you have to put music ON the ipod, and who told her she was getting one?!
Strike two.
Then the big one. Strike three.
We are driving back for a soccer game when she informs us that so-in-so is her boyfriend, he is in love with her (IN LOVE WITH HER!), they are going to get married and kiss. WHA, WHA, WHAT!?!? I'm sorry, did you say boyfriend, married, and kiss?Whatever happened to Daddy's her prince charming and she's going to marry him?  On the plus side, at least she said get married before they kiss (because we all know how that goes). Maybe I'm doing something right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, after letting us know all the preschool milestones Bella has mastered-it's good to know you are not perfect(ha ha).

It is crazy how much they actually pick up just being around adults, I can't even understand the words to a lot of songs and they can remember the words after hearing it one time. Stacey