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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Little!

I am a little late with this post but the weather here has been AH-MA-ZING and we have been spending our days outside playing. Which results in mommy falling dead asleep the moment I get the girls tucked in to bed..
Better late than never though, so here are the pictures from Sophia Kate's super duper first birthday party! 

Warning: this post is INSANELY picture heavy, but the pictures were all too cute, so I couldn't possibly leave any out. (truthfully I left out about 500 pictures so consider yourself lucky)

Sophie, your birthday was such a spectactular day! You were surrounded by all the people you love and who love you. What a lucky girl you are!


 You weren't quite sure what to do with your cake, which really surprised us. You are constantly trying to stick your hands into everything, and you LOVE sweets, so we just knew you were going to dig right in. But as usual, you surprised us, and enjoyed your cake your own way-tiny bite by tiny bite. 

 Don't want to miss a single crumb!

Yes you are. 


hughesfamily said...

These are AMAZING! I love them all...especially the one of her with the little crumb!!! You are talented, and she is beautiful!!!

Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

It was an awesome day! Thank you for including us, and even more thanks for EXcluding me from the photos! She is such an amazing little girl. I love her!
The pics of her eating the cake are classic, it was so fun to watch her


Nana said...

Always enjoy seeing the pictures and living the blogs along with you. You make is seem so real!!
Love you all.. Nana