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Friday, April 5, 2013

A Little Glimpse

I talk a lot about what a special and unique little person my Roo is, but lately she has been exceptionally. . .   her. 
Randomly she came to me and said, 
"When God was making me, he took little pieces of you and daddy's ribs and made it into a baby shape and He left a little hole on the side of my body to take little pieces of memories from the mommy and daddy and filled the whole with those memories so that we could be alike. Like, how I use my suckers and pretend they are lipgloss just like you (mommy) used to when you were little!" 

Another peek into her personality came one night when we (Roo, her friend K, and myself) were driving home from VBS. We had kLove (its a Christian radio station) blaring and Roo was in the backseat singing her heart out. All of a sudden she stops and says to her friend, "There are two ways you can worship Jesus when you are listening to music. Like this, (she proceeds to raise one arm high into the air)
and like this." (she raises both arms high)
And then she returned to her singing.
A few minutes later, her friend, who is a little bit younger and who was also spending the night that night, began asking Roo what pjs she was planning on wearing when they got home. Roo, in the midst of some serious singing, hastily answered, "I don't know. The pink ones." and returned to her song. K, who could of cared less about the song, and who was much more interest in the impending sleepover, continued her questioning. "What about the Jasmine pajamas? I thought you liked those. Why don't you want to wear the Jasmine ones? I think you should wear the Jasmine ones. Are you going to wear them?" My little gospel singer lost her patience. "FINE! I will wear the Jasmine pajamas, but I'm trying to praise the Lord!" 


And last, but not least. . .
While listening to the song Greensleeves at dinner the other night, she asked the name of the music. At the time, neither Rob nor I could remember, but we told her that we have always called it "Goat music" because this particular version reminded us of a faun playing it (I know, we're weird but whatever. The kids get it honestly.). She thought about that for a bit, then said, "It doesn't make me think of that. This song makes me think of a big storm with grey clouds rolling in over a big field full of horses and the grass is blowing back and forth and the horses are running over the hills wild and free. It's really beautiful. . ." Seriously, what kid thinks of music that way? I love the way her mind works. It is so full of emotion and imagination. It makes me sad to think that one day, she may not think like that anymore. I think the world needs more amazing people like her who see things in such a deep and creative way. 

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