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Friday, April 5, 2013

And Now You're 2!

Since you've been 2 for a few weeks now, I thought I'd better get around to posting your 2yr old update! So without further adieu. . .

Here are the precious and perfect things the little monster is doing and saying currently:

you are 26.8lbs

help mommy-you say this about everything. Most of the time I love it. When I am slaving over a hot stove and you are climbing up my sweatpants leg screaming HELP MOMMY!!! I don't love it quite as much. 

my do it-again, you say this about everything. You are quite the independent little creature. The funny part is that you really think you can do it all-drive the car, pour milk from a full gallon, tie your shoes, etc all without a bit of help. 

sit reen couch-you want to sit on the green couch

Seelee-this is Daddy's favorite. It means silly.

My turn. Anytime someone is doing something you want to do you say this.

Thank you _____! If someone has something you want, you will walk up and say this is your sugary sweetest voice. It is code for "give it to me now."
oh chute-"oh cute!"

Daddy ge up!-pretty self explanatory. Daddy is the late sleeper in our house. At least he tries to be, with 3 early rising girls in the house it is a bit difficult.

Tum here NOW!-"Come here now!" Zach is your favorite person to say this to.

hiding now-if someone is out of your sight, they must be "hiding now!"

woah!-whenever something amazes you.

your favorite song is Hallelujah (the song in Shrek). You will run up to me and yell LUYAH! when you want to hear it. 

do dis!-I always say "come on girls, let's do this!" whenever we are doing anything-art, bath time, going somewhere. Now you say it too! My favorite use of it so far just happened. I was getting you up from nap and asked you if you wanted to take a bath with Bella, and with so much gusto and excitement you yelled, "YEAH! Mon Bella, DO DIS!" (come on Bella! Let's do this!)

you are still obsessed with shoes, especially any shoes that are dangerously big on you. What's life with out a little danger.

hippotomas-hippopotomous. I do believe this is your favorite animal at the zoo.

you can count 1-10
you can, and do, spell p-h-i-a all day long!
you now speak in up to 6 word sentences

I sorry-when I tell you to be nice, you snuggle up to Bella and give her your fakest smile and say, "I sorry Bella."

too-tees (cookies)

ratures (crackers)

"BELLA MO TISS!"-(Bella more kiss!) when you were younger, as we would be rocking before bedtime, you would always ask for "mo tiss" from Bella. I would cover your ears and yell, "Bella mo tiss!" Now, when you want another kiss, you cover your own ears and yell it yourself. It's a family favorite.

HIDING IN CARSEAT-you love to hide your face in the big side wings of your carseat when we come to get you out. You think no one can see you and it cracks you up.
be tareful!-you started saying this when you took a drive with Aunt Mary. Apparently her driving terrifies you because all you said was "be tareful Aunt Mary!" over and over and over.

make mess! (need to wipe hands)

exasperated huff. This is probably my favorite thing you are doing right now. Anytime anything happens that you don't agree with, you drop your head, fling your arm down, and give the most exasperated huff a little girl can muster. No matter what it is for, it makes me laugh every time. I know there is an expiration date on the funniness of this one, but for now-hilarious!

HI MOMMY! HOW YOU?-you will randomly say this to me with so much excitement that I can't help but be happy.

I need dis. You "need" whatever anyone else has. No matter what it is. you need it. 

big hugs-Daddy taught you "big hugs" and you squeeeeeeze really tightly. I always get them (and big big kisses) while I am saying your bedtime prayers with you. I think its a ploy to be so adorable that you get to stay up a little longer. It usually works.

you can sing most of your ABC's
you love saying your prayers before meals, and usually insist on multiple "Amens"

If you don't know already, I think you are amazing and rotten and perfect and wonderfully imperfect every second of every day. I know I am so blessed to have been chosen to be your mommy.

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