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Sunday, June 20, 2010

All Grown Up and I Don't Know What To Do

Yesterday we took the Little Princess to see Toy Story 3 (GREAT movie), and while we were walking in we ran into some friends going to see it too. These friends were there with a giant group of their friends so there ended up being about 30 of us sitting together, and of course, as usually is the case, Bella was the youngest one there. This is where tragedy struck. I knew this day was coming. I tried to prepare myself. I failed.
As we are all picking our seats Bella looks up at me and says, "I want to sit with Sara Kate mommy" (who is 9 years old by the way). Now this may not sound like a big deal to you but let me explain. Bella is my movie buddy. Every time we go to the movies we sit together. Not just together, but she sits in my lap. We laugh together, we cry together, we snuggle. It's perfect. Not this time. She wanted to sit by Sara Kate. Sara Kate was in a whole different row! Far away from me. How was I supposed to see what parts made Bella laugh or cry when she was so far away? I hated it. But of course I said ok. I think spent as much time watching Bella as I did watching the movie. I hated not being able to share in her reactions.
After the movie, while we were talking about all of her favorite and not so favorite parts, I threw a little Mommy guilt trip at her (I ADMIT IT!) and said, "I sure did miss you sitting in my lap while we watched the movie. I love when you sit with me. I was a little sad we didn't get to snuggle." And in the sweetest, but ever so slightly exasperated voice, she tells me, "It's ok Mommy, sometimes I just want to sit with some other friends." OUCH.
Like I said, I knew the day would come when she would want to be with her friends more than me, I just don't think I expected it so soon. It's heartbreaking. It was just another subtle reminder that my little girl is turning into my big girl more and more each day. But with any luck she'll be my snuggle buddy for a long time to come.

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