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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 So Far

January has been a crazy busy month already and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight! With the sapian coming in March, it seems our list of things to do get a little longer every day. Between all the "must dos" there has been a lot of fun too. . .

New Year's celebration. Roo was already in bed :(
Midnight is just a little too late for her. Honestly, she'd be fine with staying up that late, but dealing with her the next day is just a little too much for Mommy!

Lots of drawing of course. Here you see Princess and Prince Charming's version of Candy Land. 

 Getting her beauty sleep. Love that she is snuggled up with Baby Frog :)
 Helping Mommy bake biscuits for breakfast. Isn't the apron adorable? Cooking is an important homeschool skill. I should have been homeschooled- maybe then I'd cook more for my family. . .
 We've had some very fancy "tea" parties. Yet another essential part of homeschooling :)
 Lots and lots of reading. Lately we've been reading a lot of fairy tails; those are always fun.
 We even had a yummy yummy ice cream date with great friends! Bella and Miss M have been friends since pre-school, so for a really long time!
 Even though it's January, we've had some really pretty days! What better way to spend them than at the playground with the bestie?!
 And music time with Brother is always fun! Especially in jammies!!

There's a little peek into our 2011 so far! Hope your's has been just a beautifully busy as our's has!

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