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Friday, January 21, 2011

The Nursery

It is finished! HOOOORAY!!!
If you know me or my husband, you know that the likelihood of us painting anything is very,very slim. We hate painting. Not in a "man, I hate spinach" type of way. More like a "I hate having surgery without anesthesia" or "I hate having one of my arms getting stuck in a chainsaw" kind of way. So, with that being said, I really was concerned that this newest addition to our family was going to be growing up in a boring, builder brown bedroom. Which really was kind of sad, because I really did have a vision of a soft, calm space for the baby.
Many of the things I wanted for the room were coming together. . .
the handmade art from Brother and Sister, the fluffy white rug, the handmade pinwheel mobile, the billowy white sheers, and the beautiful crocheted blanket from Gigi. It was all there and ready. But it just wasn't coming together the way I wanted it to in the bland brown room.
Then, in stepped Prince Charming.
Without a word of complaint, he single-handedly transformed the baby's room from "not quite" to "YES!!! Exactly!"
He is my hero. My savior.
I adore this room. 

The pinwheel mobile I made

That's Sister's artwork above the bookshelf.
We've purposely kept a couple of the walls blank so we can personalize the room after the baby is born. 

And Brother's lovely Tree he painted.

Morning in the room is my favorite time of day. This picture in no way does it justice. When the morning light comes through the sheers, the room gets all hazy and beautiful. It feels like you're inside a cloud. Magical. 

The room is so perfect for us now. I love going in there and just relaxing in its peace and calm. I can't wait until there is a little person living in there!


Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

AWESOME!!! can't wait to see it in person! You did an amazing job, your vision was PERFECT!

*Princess Mommy* said...

thanks hun!!! I really am so happy with how it came out. I was so nervous it was going to be too "boyish" or too "girlish" but it really feels completely neutral when I'm in it! Can't wait for you to see it!!

Life with Jaybob said...

love the room, LOVE the artwork!! especially the tree brother painted!! (it sounds like we are talking about the barenstein bears sp?)anyway, i also hate, like i hate having surgery w/o anesthesia, painting!!!!!! and my hubby usually steps in for me in that department too! gotta love these great guys we have!

hughesfamily said...

Um, I would like to come live in that room, please. I love the moblie!!! And, I love the artwork!!! (Plus...YAY for bathtub crayons!!)!

Anonymous said...

Bethany, the room is great. It does look so relaxing. The pinwill mobile is sooo cute. Can't wait to see the newest great grandbaby in person.... What are the names ya'll like? Love Noni

*Princess Mommy* said...

Names. . . .oh names. This poor kid. It might not have a name. I just cannot decide!! Nothing is just hitting me. With Bella, she was named years before we even had her. This poor kid is almost here and we have no idea!
So far, for boys we like:
Henry Oliver
Oliver Henry
Teagan Oliver
Henry Nate
We love old names for boys, Rob really wants Oliver, I really like Henry BUT Henry is SOOO popular right now.

For girls:
Layla Sophia
Isla Sophia (pronounced Eye-la)
Sophia Cate/Kate
*Sophia is not optional by order of the husband :) I just want something feminine that goes with Bella :)

Naming another human being is so stressful!