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Friday, January 21, 2011


Wow. Can I just say January has been insane?! It seems like there has constantly been something going on! By the time the kids are in bed each night (insanely early lately, I might add. Gotta save my sanity somehow!), all I want to do is curl up on the couch with Rob. So, sadly, the blog has been a bit neglected for a couple of weeks. But today we are having yet another glorious snow day and Zach is graciously playing with his little monster, I mean sister, for me so I can attempt to catch up!

So what's been going on. . . .
well, as usual, a lot of art!
My cousin Nicole mentioned bathtub crayons in one of her blog posts recently, and as I read it, I thought they'd be a lot of fun for Bella. The very next day I was in Target and saw some randomly thrown on a shelf, AND they were on clearance! SCORE! As expected, they have been a huge hit!
This is just a small sampling of her bath tub art. She stayed in there drawing forever, as in until the water was FREEZING cold and I forced her to get out. Why didn't I think of these things before?! Thanks Nicole for reminding me of these wonderful gems!
We even took our spelling test with the tub crayons! FUN! Have I mentioned I adore homeschooling?

Lately, Little Miss has really been interested in the Solar System, so I'm trying to be proactive and jump on the opportunity she is providing for us to teach her. So, in addition to reading a bunch of books about the planets, the sun, and the moon, the Munchkin made her own solar system. A project that involved painting AND the solar system?! Little Picasso was in heaven!

She was even sweet enough to let Brother help. Notice. It doesn't happen often.

The finished product. She's obsessed with it. Her favorite planet is Saturn, because "It's beautiful and I like its ring." I love that girl. And her ability to find something beautiful in everything. 

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