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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Heart Day to Us

Seriously, when I really think about it, it is ridiculous how much we are loved. Really. I think Bella and I must be the two luckiest girls alive. But what's even more ridiculous than how much I, in particular, am loved, is how much the Princess is adored. I don't think I have ever seen a love like Daddy has for her, and like she has for him, ever before in my life. It's the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing I have ever seen, and I feel so blessed to be a witness to it.
The mere mention of him spreads a smile across her face. And every day when he gets home from work, it's like the second coming of Christ or something-you've never seen a person so excited to see another!
Her day was really made on Valentine's Day when Daddy walked in from work. He didn't just come home, oh no; he came home with a real, grown up bouquet of flowers for his baby girl.

And they were all as pink as pink could be. 
I thought she might explode from happiness; it was a real possibility. The human body can only take so much excitement. I'm pretty sure hers was seriously close to it's limit. Daddy home + pink flowers= pure elation for this little girl.
We had already had a great Valentine's Day together, she and I, doing crafts and having a picnic out front in our jammies,

but nothing I could ever do could compare to Daddy simply walking in the door. And that's just the way it should be.

1 comment:

Prince Daddy said...

I can't say it enough! MAN I LOVE THAT LITTLE GIRL!!! And her love for me just make me want to cry sometimes! I hope she never changes her feelings for me! She's my baby! and part of the reason I love her so much is that she is your daughter too! I love you with all my heart and you have given me so many blessings in life that I don't think I will ever be able to repay you!