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Sunday, February 6, 2011


This Saturday, we took Brother into town to get a haircut. Instead of dying from boredom sitting in the glamorous SuperCuts lobby, the Princess and I decided to dawdle around in PetSmart. BIG MISTAKE. I really should have known better. It seems like every time we go to a pet store, we leave with some new creature. I can't help it. Furry things are my weakness. My kryptonite.
This time proved to be no different.
When we got there, one of the workers had a ferret out. Don't worry. That's not what we brought home. But we did spend a while petting the nasty little rodents. After that, we moved on to check out the Guinea Pigs.
Fatal Mistake.
As we made our way over, she immediately spotted her victim. A solid white little boy pig (not the kind with the creepy red eyes though. Eww!) The PetSmart guy was very sweet and obliged her when she asked to hold the little creature. He even sat on the floor with her for over 30 minutes as she held it, teaching her all about guinea pigs and how to care for them. Then it happened. He mentioned that there was a white little girl guinea pig with one pink ear. What?! What did he just say?! A pink ear?! She was sold. And the begging began. As she sat there forever, holding the sweet little thing, I could feel myself weakening.
I've been kind of considering getting one for her for a few months now. I've read that they are pretty great pets for little kids, since they are docile and easy to take care of.  I thought since Brother does most of the feeding and watering of the dogs, this would be a good way for her to learn to care for and nurture another living creature. BUT I wasn't thinking about right now. Not today. Not now. No way. Especially not after seeing the cost of a cage for this glorified tailless rat. A decent sized cage for one costs over $100! Plus food, bedding, chew toys, etc. Oh, and don't forget the cost of the pig itself!
But there is something about baby girl's little face. Her eyes. It all just sucks you right in. It even worked on the PetSmart guy! Seriously! He heard her begging and heard our answer: "Sweeti, we don't have $100 for a cage right now. Maybe for you birthday."
"But I really like this guinea pig, mommy. She is SO sweet!"
And she was.
But sweetness still didn't make us any richer.
Every adult within earshot was sucked in to her trap. We were almost out of the store safely, when our dedicated PetSmart guy said, "You know, I just thought about it; I have one of those cages just sitting up in my attic. I'll give it to you for free, if you'll just come pick it up."
What?! GIVE it to us?! Now what excuse did we have? None.

And now we own a guinea pig.
And her name is Cheese.
Cheese Carrot Rainbow.
Rob says Bella doesn't get to name anything else ever again. I think it's hilarious.
So now, I'd like to introduce you to Cheese.
AKA CheeseWhiz, Cheezit, Parmesan. . .Cheese.


Anonymous said...

i love your blog!! i let aiden name our cat- his name is Milk.

*Princess Mommy* said...

Milk is ADORABLE!!!!!!
and thanks hun; hope you two are doing wonderfully!!

Life with Jaybob said...

i love the name!!!! when we first got our dog, jacob was obsessed with firetrucks, so he wanted to name him firetruck...jon wouldn't let him. bummer. however, his name is now gonzo, which got shortened to zozo, which of course led to the nickname bozo, which is sooooooo appropriate!!!