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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sophie Kate's Official 2 Month Stats

35% head circumference
75% weight
90% height

23.5 in long

I just want to make sure everyone sees that that says 35% head circumference and 90% height. That's not a misprint. Somehow, we managed to have a long, but tiny headed baby! I thought it must have been a mistake. In fact, I made him check it and repeat it to me twice. Bella was always 90% head, 25% height. WOW! She was ridiculously adorable with her ginormous punkin head, so it was ok. 
Also, Phia got her first shot yesterday. I had to take her by myself (well, technically not by myself, Bella was there, but she's not much for consoling others when it comes to shots-she's too busy making sure she stays out of the way so no one gets confused and tries to give her one.). I was so nervous. Who likes taking there baby to get shots all alone? Not me! The plus was that we are following a delayed vaccination schedule, so instead of the insane number of 6 shots most babies get, we were only getting 2! Hooray! One of them ended up not being an injection at all, but a liquid oral med! Double bonus!! She was such a big girl getting her shot too. She let out one loud  WAAAA! But then decided she didn't have the energy to muster up a real cry, and sucked on her paci instead. Mommy got all worked up for nothing. 

Great job growing baby girl!
Keep up the good work!


Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

Could she BE any cuter? Glad she was so good for mommy

oh and I couldnt believe the head measurement either!

*Princess Mommy* said...

nope. I don't believe she could! ;) heehee!!
I really thought they had made a mistake on the head measurement!