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Monday, May 9, 2011

2 Girls. 2 months.

If you asked me when I was a teenager what I imagined my adult life looking like I would have told you the following (among other things, but the following things would have been the most important):
Happy: check
Living in a cute, but modest house: check
Married to someone tall, dark, and handsome: CHECK MATE!
Driving a decent car: check
Having two children, boys, two years apart: WRONG!!

Growing up, I never ever imagined myself having girls. I just couldn't see myself with all that pink and frilly stuff. I was a huge tomboy, and loved the thought of the rough and tumble life that came with boys. Two of them. Two years apart.
Someone had different plans for me.
Thanks to the powers that be, I DID end up with a son. A perfect little brown haired, brown eyed darling.
Fast forward a bit. We're pregnant!! Whoohoo!! All I can think is BOY BOY BOY!! All Rob wants is a GIRL GIRL GIRL!! So badly in fact, that he changed my mind and my heart, and I wanted a girl desperately too. I won't pretend though, that a small part of my desire wasn't due to the fact that Rob wanted one so badly. In fact, I had a few serious panic attacks full of tears asking Rob, "will you even like it if it's a boy?!" (freaking pregnancy hormones). Of course he would have! But the day our little girl was born was the happiest day the two of us had ever shared. She was born on April 18, 2005 at 2:22 p.m., a perfect 7lb 8oz bundle of pink.
And we couldn't get enough of her. 
Fast forward 5 years. Through the trying, the crying, the fertility treatments, and the utter defeat. We find out we are unexpectedly pregnant! 
I don't know what happened, but in that moment I decided I did not want to know the sex of the baby until it was born. Mostly people laughed at me. 
No one believed me. 
I am a huge planner and *somewhat* of a control freak. This was pretty much impossible. But somehow I did it. I even found it easy. And on March 14, 2011 at 4:18 in the afternoon, our second daughter was born.  7lbs 13ozs of pink perfection.  
And once again, we just can't get enough.

And now here we are two months later, and I can't get over how much has happened in such a short amount of time!
So girls, here's the rundown on the past two months of your lives:
Sophie Kate, you were born! And just a few short days later, you came home! 

Not long after that, you had your first outing: to a park and then to lunch!

Bella, you decided you wanted to play soccer, and to everyone's surprise, actually PLAYED! In fact, you even liked it! 

Sophie, you got to go to your first soccer game!
Obviously, it was very exciting for you!

Bella, you've had a lot of other important things happening these past two months. For example, you went from an ordinary, unemployed 5 year old, to having the job of "official diaper changer soother". For this very important position, you sing and talk to Sophia during all of her regular diaper changes. This job takes up a lot of your time. But it pays in smiles from your baby sister, and that makes you very happy. 
During your free time, you have recently discovered a love for basketball! 

We bought you your very own REAL goal, and you want to shoot on it any chance you get! 
(you got mad ups!)

My favorite part of watching you play is your victory dance after you make a shot. We spend a lot of time watching you do your dance. It's crazy and goofy and always makes us laugh.
(blowing a kiss at the end of your dance)
You were also in your first play-The Flashlight Play-for drama class. I don't have many pictures because the whole thing was in the dark, except the light of your little flashlight. Daddy and I were so proud of you-you were not only the very youngest in the class, but you were the only one that didn't forget your lines! 

I know you are going to be a star one day!
Another big event that happened was your birthday!!

I still can't believe my baby girl is SIX!!

Just the other day, I sent off your form for Kindergarden graduation, and as I was filling it out, I couldn't help but tear up a little. It just doesn't seem possible that that much time with you has passed. I wouldn't trade a single second I have had with you. I wouldn't change anything at all about you. I love the way you make life magical. I love the way you truly believe every time is a great time for singing and dancing. I love the way you instantly change into your pjs the moment we walk into the house (you get that from me). You call them your "comfy clothes". I love that you can find a reason to draw for anything-math, spelling, because it's sunny or rainy. I love that you see the art in everything. I love your tiny little gapped smile, and I adore your lisp. It breaks my heart to know that one day, they will both be gone. I even love your tendency to be just the tiniest bit dramatic all the time. You make me proud of you every single day. 

My little Sophie. These past two months have been very eventful for you as well. Not only did you do all the things listed above, but you also accomplished some pretty important things!
You got bigger. You went from 7lbs 13oz at birth, to 7lbs 1oz at 4 days old-they almost wouldn't let you leave the hospital! But thankfully they did, and by 2 weeks old you were up to 8lbs 8oz! And by 5 weeks, you were a whopping 10lbs 8oz! That's the 90th percentile! Mommy is so proud of you for growing so big!
You had your one month birthday. 
you weren't very happy about it.

At six weeks, you finally decided to smile. 

The way you wrinkle your nose up when you really smile shoots straight to my heart. 

You give out most of your smiles first thing in the morning; just like your Mommy and big sister, you are a morning girl. Lucky me, I'm the one you smile at most. It makes me feel so very special. 
You sixth week was a pretty big one for you. You started growing back all the hair that you lost, and it's so cute. It is growing in standing straight up. I call it your high and tight hair because it looks like a military haircut. 
You also started trying to "talk" this 6th week. Sound doesn't often come out, but we always know when you are trying because your breathing gets so fast and your arms and legs get moving frantically! When you do manage to muster up a sound, it always bursts out of you and almost sounds like a cry, but you have the sweetest voice. 
Other than sister, you have two best friends: column and fan.
You and column. It's a real love affair. 

 You smiled at column before you smiled at anyone. To be honest, I was a little jealous. Every night, Daddy would lay you on his lap and you would just stare at column with the happiest look on your face. It wasn't long after that, that you discovered friend fan, and he became the lucky recipient of your second set of smiles. 
We discovered you hate being swaddled, and you love falling asleep with a paci. 

EXCEPT you have no idea how to keep it in once you get right to the point of falling asleep. This makes for a very eventful bedtime. Usually, bedtime endures for 30 minutes to an hour before you finally give in and go to sleep. Usually, this makes me want to cry.
On a positive note about sleep, you moved into your own bed, right beside Mommy, but still, you are in your own bed.

 I loved you sleeping with me, but I just couldn't sleep very well with you right next to me. I was always worried I would roll over on you or somehow manage to cover your precious head with my pillow. Now that you are in your own bed, (right next to me) I sleep much better. I don't think you care either way.
You practice laying on your tummy, but you hate it. 

You try to hold your head up, but aren't having much luck. You DeFir girls have a reputation for having rather large craniums though, so don't worry. You'll get it!
This is your sister. Notice the huge head. See, Mommy wasn't kidding. 
Fat headed babies are the cutest though, so don't get a complex.

You had your first trip to the zoo. (Most of the pics are of sister because, quite honestly, you were content to lay in your stroller. Doesn't make for very good pictures. Sorry.) 

Sister got to stop and visit her statue. Notice she is copping a feel. 

One day, sister will share her popcorn with you. Maybe. If you're lucky. 

Can you tell she's proud to be your big sister?

Mommy and her girls

You had your first bath. You were not pleased. But, in your defense, the water kept getting cold. I would have been mad too!

You helped Mommy celebrate her first Mother's Day with you here. Having you made it even more special. 

You turned two months old!

You are such a serious baby girl. Usually choosing to sit and observe rather than talk and smile. Sometimes I do wish you would smile more often, but it's alright, it only makes the smiles you do share that much more special. 
I can't wait to see the kind of person you grow to be. I know you will be amazing no matter who you become!

My two girls. It still doesn't seem real. My life may not be exactly what I thought it would be, but it's better than I ever could have hoped for. I know this is the life God has planned for me, and I feel immensely blessed He chose me to be the mommy to two of the most amazing girls ever.    


gloverfamily said...

I LOVE all of the pics & updates!! I can't decide which picture I like best, but the one of Bella playing soccer is up right next to the one of her with Buddha!! This post is so great-I know you are having such a fun time with them (when the pacifier is working, anyway:)

hughesfamily said...

Super sweet!! I am glad to see all of these fun pics.

And, I agree- big headed girls are the best!

Life with Jaybob said...

bethany, i teared up when jacob got his first yearbook last year at the end of pre-k. i totally understand how you feel!! and jacob has recently become obsessed with basketball also!!! we got a goal last year from someone who didn't want theirs anymore, and he refused to even look at it. this year, every time i lift the garage door to get in the car i hear "just one shot mom!" oh, and jacob has been accused of having a big head as well. one of my friends, who has two sons with big heads, swears if she had the capitol she would start a kids' clothing line named "big heads r us" or something like that, with shirts that have bigger openings for them!!! fortunately, jacob seems to have grown into his these days too, like bella.