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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Two Week Check Up

I realize this post is a few days past due, but I am just now recovered enough to write about it.

As some of you may already know, after I had Sophia, she dropped quite a bit of weight. 11oz to be exact. Apparently, that was enough to cause concern among the Drs. at the hospital, and for a moment, there was a chance that she may not be able to go home with us when we were discharged. Thankfully though, they let her leave with us. So, Monday's 2 week check up was kind of a big deal. It was really important that she gained an adequate amount of weight or all sorts of testing could be in our future. I'll get to the results in a bit, but first let me tell you all about how this little gem of a visit began.
We get to the appointment and the nurse takes us to our room, where she tells me to get Sophie undressed down to a clean diaper. *clean diaper*----this is where the fun begins.
I knew she needed a diaper change anyway, so I plop her up on the exam table, undress her, and take off her dirty diaper. Fatal mistake. No sooner than I got the first dirty diaper off her her tiny body, did she proceed to SPRAY me. Not just with pee. Oh no. That would have been fantastic! But with massive amounts of pee AND watery, orange breast milk poop! All over the front of my white shirt. All over three of the four diapers I had packed. The exam table. The floor. EVERYWHERE. As I am scrambling around, frantically trying to find a way to stop the explosion, I came to a very scary realization. Well, quite a few very scary realizations actually:
1. I now had ONE diaper left.
2. I had no, as in zero, wipes. (I had forgotten to re-pack the diaper bag from the night before. Cut me some slack. It's like I'm totally new at this!)
3. My shirt was completely covered in baby excrement of one kind or another, and I had no extra clothes.
4. All of the above, and we were scheduled to be out for the entire day.
As all of this insanity is going on, Bella is sitting up on the table, violently gagging, and in between gags, screaming, "that is SOOOOOO DISGUSTING!"
And I'm screaming back, "BE QUIET!! YOU aren't the one covered in baby poop!"
Apparently, we got pretty loud because a nurse came rushing into the room and then stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the carnage. "Oh my!" was all she managed to say, and then she started laughing. If the whole scene hadn't been so completely ridiculous, I probably would have punched her in the face for laughing. But honestly, what else could she do?
Thankfully, the Dr. office keeps extra diapers and wipes on hand for worthless, unprepared mothers like myself. Sadly, they do not keep a stash of t-shirts for poop covered mommies. Good thing I had put on a jacket that day (my bra and jacket got me through the visit, breakfast break at Chick-fil-A:Bella was "dying of starvation", and an impromptu trip to Target for a new shirt and a couple of others for the car) After plowing through almost an entire box of their wipes (seriously, poop was everywhere!), I stuck my head out and told the crowd of laughing nurses we were ready for the Dr.

Chalk that little fiasco up as a learning experience.

The good news:
Sophie Kate gained lots of weight (I'm a poet!). 1lb 7oz to be exact. At 2 weeks she was up from 7lbs 1oz to 8lbs 8oz. YAY PIGGIE! And she had grown in length from 19 3/4in to 21in.
So proud of our big growing girl!!!


Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

HOLY CRAP!!!I JUST LAUGHED SO FREAKING HARD AT THIS POST I NEARED PEED IN MY PANTS!!! That was hilarious! But I totally understand about the unpreparedness. I can't count how manyntimes I have left the house without the appropriate "supplies".

Oh and just to make you feel better, you aren't the first mom who has come in there needing diapers or wipes, and you dont have the only baby who has peed or pooed on the table......the nurses where laughing because you guys put on the best show while all of that was going on! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during that visit!

gloverfamily said...

Oh, the fun of newborn poop. I am mostly impressed with the fact that you continued your day after the explosion! I think flexibility is definitely the key to the mommy thing and you are pretty awesome at that! Also, I LOVE all of the pics in the past posts. Love the birth story and all of it! Am still a little irritated that I was trying to be a nice cousin and not spread germs which means I have not met her! Awful grammar in that sentence....sorry.