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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter to me.

So this post has taken me a couple of days to write because I needed those days to cool off and count to something like a BILLION before I attempted to write anything.
So, Sunday was Easter. To many Christians, the single most important day EVER. It's important to be in church that day. However, I may not ever be in church on Easter again. Here's why:
Sunday morning we wake up, do the bunny/basket thing, dress in our pretty new clothes (thanks Nana!), and head off to hear the wonderful message we know our Pastor has prepared for us. About halfway there, we remember that there will be no nursery. Did you catch that?? NO NURSERY. (and in case you forgot, we have Sophia Kate-no further explanation needed.) I'm in a mild panic until we get to church and I notice that there are 5 other babies. HOORAY! I will not have the only child talking/yelling/screaming/climbing/crawling and generally being super disruptive! Thank you Jesus for this Easter blessing. I even laughed and joked with a couple of the other mommies about how we were all in this together.
And then I thought I heard Jesus laugh a little.
She lasted about 15 minutes. Our church is two hours. Then the talking/yelling/screaming/climbing/crawling and generally being super disruptive began. First she wanted out of my lap. No big deal. Then she wanted back in. Ok. Then she wanted to "sing" while we prayed. Alright. Then she wanted to crawl around a little in the main aisle. No sweat. Then she wanted to crawl really far away while yelling at the top of her lungs. And that's when the real fun began. When I attempted to at least look like I wasn't  being a horrible mom while my little terrorist disrupted the entire service, the screaming and violently throwing her body around began. Super.
So, as I quickly tried to exit the sanctuary with my wailing, flailing beast, I did a quick crowd scan. I was hoping to make myself feel better by seeing all the other the mommies looking totally defeated, while their tiny monsters ruined church like mine was. *It's horrible to wish that I know. But if you are seriously judging me right now, you clearly do no have children OR you have never taken an "active" child into a church service.
For the record, I did not see what I was hoping for. Nope. Not even close. It was so much worse.
As I am practically sprinting out of the room with my heathen, all I see are the other mommies peacefully absorbing God's word. Looking blissful and relaxed. Where were their children you ask? Get ready, this is the best part of the whole story. EVERY SINGLE OTHER BABY WAS SLEEPING. It makes me angry all over again just typing that. Yep, sleeping. Some were dreaming in mommy's arms, others in the arms of their adoring grandparents. But every. single. last one of them was out cold. As I paced around alone in the foyer with my not-sleeping angel, I got so frustrated and angry that I thought my head seriously might explode. I'm trying so hard to accept my fate as the mommy of a wild and crazy little girl. And most days, I really do love it. It's hard, but fun. This day, I was not feeling so warm and fuzzy about my role.
Just as I was about to swan dive into the pool of insanity, the sanctuary doors opened, light shone brightly, angels sang, and out walked Jesus in the form of my husband. "Would you like me to take her?" he asked. I'm pretty sure you can figure out my response.
I spent the last half of the service trying to calm my nerves. And truth be told, fighting away mean thoughts about all the other lucky mommies and the sweet sleeping cherubs in their laps. Most of my worst thoughts vanished though when the service was over. As I walked through the doors to leave, Sophie saw me and did the thing I love most. She smiled. With her whole face, scrunchy nose smile. And I loved her again.
I can't say I got much out of our Easter service, but I was there. Which is more than I can say for last year.
Next year, I am volunteering to be in the nursery on Easter. It may just be Sophia and me, but who knows, I may be saving the sanity of another mommy of a wild child.

*Nana, I am sorry. There are no pictures of the children in their Easter clothes. They were lucky to be alive at that point, and all I wanted to do was get home and away from every body. Believe me when I tell you they looked BEAUTIFUL. I will redress them soon and force them to let me take some though. Sorry again!

**Honey, I love you. You save me in the worst moments and I am forever grateful.
***Wacky and Roo, thank you for being such amazingly well behaved children. Don't think it goes unnoticed.
****Phia Kate, you will be the death of me child. But I love you with every fiber of my wilting body.


Sara said...
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Sara said...

I'm laughing at this while reading and at the same time thinking "EEEK! I'm one of those mommies she's talking about." I don't know what came over my child that day, probably a sugar coma from the chocolate bunny she had for breakfast. That's right....chocolate bunny... for breakfast. Oh yes, I'm a super mommy. LOL! ;)

Amy Nix said...

Sorry to bust your bubble....but we did have nursery Sunday; because my sister Jennifer and my dad were in there. I'm sorry you thought we didn't have nursery. Next time just ask someone to make sure. :)

Sara said...

Well, she did ask me. I was told there wasn't going to be nursery, so I didn't even check. So much for being in the loop! :D

*Princess Mommy* said...

lol!! SARA!! Amy, I saw they that they were in there towards the end, but thought that they were just in there with their kids. I'm still volunteering for next year! :)

Sara said...

I now feel totally responsible for ruining your Easter. :( I can sympathize with you though, I've spent the last 2 Christmas services, and last years Easter service in the foyer, because of a VERY rambunctious little one and no nursery. Ah well...

*Princess Mommy* said...

Sara, you didn't ruin my WHOLE Easter. . . hahahaha!! Just teasing! Lesson learned: Always double check for those blessed nursery workers!

Sara said...

Phew! ;)