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Friday, June 1, 2012

April 2012

Here's the April 2012 rundown. . .

We ate lots of pizza
 we were attacked by dinosaurs
 Daddy went to China
Roo tamed exotic animals 
 and made gourmet meals. 
 She also did a little mountain climbing (I have no idea why this pic is sideways)
 Phia continued making this face a lot. 

 we got glamorous.

 Roo did lots of flying
 and painting
and shaving cream sculptures. 
 Phia discovered her love of fine footwear

 Seriously, does it get any cuter?! My heart melts.

 Phia did LOTS of climbing practice. 
 She also took many very important phone calls. It's one of my favorite things. She puts the phone to her little ear and says, "lo? lo?"
 We also did a bit of rearranging. Phia was so helpful. 
As you can see April was a very busy month for us all!

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