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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Whirlwind of a Week!

The past week has been such a fun week to kick off our summer! It was insanely hectic, but in a super good way. It didn't start off great, nothing like cleaning your kids vomit out of your bed at 4am (thanks Roo! Mommy still loves you though!), but after a bit of recovery time we were off and running! The very best part was that we got to spend time with some of our best friends every day! Every morning for Roo started with VBS with her bestest. The theme for the week was something about aviation and as you can see, the girls had a blast!

While the big girls were at church learning about God, Phia and I got to spend some quality time together. We were really blessed this week with mild, sunny weather, so every morning started with breakfast in the park. I don't get a lot of time with just Phia, so sitting out on a blanket, having breakfast, feeling the wind, and talking about the trees with her was wonderful. After breakfast, we would swing and climb up and down the slides over and over and over again. Then we'd take a walk over to the pond and quack at the ducks. Phia thought they were hilarious. . .until they got really close. Then she started doing what she always does now when she needs a little reassurance, saying, "mama. mama?" Even though I never leave her sight, she still wants to hear me say, "yes, mommy is right here." Then she's fine. She just needs to check.
After we picked Roo up from VBS, we'd head over to PapaGigi's for  lunch and a nap, and then to Roo's favorite part of the day: SWIMMING LESSONS!! M's mommy was super sweet and invited us to crash their private lessons. After the first day, M was practically an olympic swimmer-she nailed the elementary back stroke and the crawl stroke-WOW! Roo did great and accomplished exactly what I hoped she would- she got over her "it's the beginning of the summer and I am afraid of the water again" fear that we experience every summer and she started swimming with her face in the water again. Hooray! She loves the water, but every summer, after the long winter break from swimming, she is slightly afraid of it. So even though she was jumping off diving boards and boats, getting dive sticks from the shallow end of the pool, and going down watersides last year, this year she didn't want to do any of it because she was nervous. We go through it every year. Swim lessons got her over it really quickly, so even though she didn't perfect any strokes, we accomplished exactly what we hoped we would-no fear and the ability to not drown! SUCCESS! Both girls ended up completing all of level 2 and even most of level 3! Great job ladies!

Roo insists on wearing her goggles so tight that they give her slanty eyes and a piggie nose. 

 treats after lessons

 I love the way she flails all out when she jumps off the diving board!


gloverfamily said...

That first pic is hilarious. And, I LOVE the diving pics. The girl has style.

hughesfamily said...

I totally want to do a breakfast picnic in the park!!