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Friday, June 1, 2012

May 2012

 If April seemed busy, May was a real whirlwind! Along with finishing up the school year, there were lots of field trips, excitement, and monumental milestones!

 Field trips to exotic places

 up close and personal with wild animals

 near-death experiences

 Roo practiced the monkey bars!
 Phia practiced being extra cute!

 there was a lot of sister giggling 
 and giggling with Aunt Mary
 Roo swam in the Nile River. . .it was really cold!

 we rode some really scary rides. Phia thought so anyways!
 Zachy was especially terrified!
 Phia did not like the ponies. At all. 

 Zachy tamed a hippo!
 Roo felt especially brave and wanted to ride this ride all alone!
 love her face here!
 how cute are the glasses on her head?!
 clearly tigers amaze her!
 love that toothy smile!

 the kids took an exotic boat ride
 all that rowing made Roo really tired!
 so we just *had* to snuggle! It was tough, but somebody had to do it, so I volunteered! I don't think she has ever let anyone snuggle and hold her while she fell asleep. This was one of my most favorite days ever. 
 We had lots of fun hanging out with friends. . .

 Phia discovered that all of her chair climbing had prepared her for bigger and better things! She can get to the top in a matter of seconds. Bring on the baby gate!
 we did lots of eating. It was probably Phia's favorite part.

 we practiced puzzles

 and watched the birds. This picture makes my heart skip a beat. 
 Phia discovered utensils. She loves them. And insists on using them. All. the. time. 
 and she discovered real cups. Feeding time is interesting around here. And messy. but never, ever boring!
 Phia painted masterpieces. 

 Roo created magical fairy wonderlands

 we did a bit of lounging. . .

 and lots of exploring. . .

 Thursday, May 17 was an extra special and exciting day. Thanks to Papa's patience and endurance, Roo learned to ride her bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS! 

By the end of the next day, she was practically a professional!

Now we take family bike rides almost every morning! *don't worry, Phia does have a helmet!
 all that bike riding wears a girl out. Bubble baths are necessary to relax the muscles.
 Phia is on her way to becoming a professional xylophone player. "Banga banga-ing" is a personal favorite of hers.
 This is also a favorite activity of the Little Little. She has no interest in real walking yet, but she will hold someone's hands and walk all. day. long.
doing all of that "almost walking" makes a girl crave a little down time. Nothing like lounging in the pool.   

Can't wait for the rest of our summer adventures!


gloverfamily said...

It is TOO much!

I am dying over the pic of Phia with the fork!

Bella is precious snuggling with you.

The pics posing all around the zoo are hilarious!

On other posts...I love the idea of a party somewhere with a playground AND a patio...genius, love the slumber party and love Phia's grins!

SO much fun!

hughesfamily said...

Phia. She is too much. Your kids sure do have personality!!

So glad your are back! Your blog is fun!