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Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Because our weekend just hadn't been busy enough, we decided to add one more thing in. . .putting up the Christmas Tree!!! It's one of my favorite times of the year-we turn on Christmas music and all go Christmas Crazy for the day. It's so much fun!
Once the boxes were down from the attic, Bella went insane and wouldn't let us sit still until the decorating was in full swing. She was so excited she didn't know what to do with herself!

So she did what she always does: she drew! Here she is drawing pictures of her favorite ornaments. This one is of her Nutcracker ornament.
Daddy got her her own tree for her room!

Christmas story break.
Even Lily was festive!
All the decorating made Lils tired!

Count on Daddy to be silly!
Daddy doing his special job.
Zachy helping

Probably my favorite ornament on the tree. We got this the year I was pregnant with Roo.

The munchkins doing their special job. They love wiggling under the tree to put on the skirt.
We even got Christmas sheets this year! I think this is going to be a new tradition.

Another one of my favorite ornaments because it completely represents who Bella is-Mommy's little artist.

She takes after her Daddy in the silly department.
Unpacking boxes
Beau didn't have a Christmas shirt, so we put this t-shirt on him. He hates us. Just look at his face. He's the most humiliated lab on the planet.
Even Duke the Elf made his appearance! This was the moment Little Bit spotted him!
That's the face of a little girl happy to see her elf!


gloverfamily said...

those pics are SO fun! I can't wait until Anderson is excited to decorate!

*Princess Mommy* said...

thanks!! I can't wait for Anderson to get there either-it will be so fun as his Mommy to see his crazy with excitement!
Down side for us has been that Bella is so overwhelmed with frenzy that she cannot sleep! lol! I hope that little bit of fun isn't shared at your house! HA!

Tinksmama said...

so exciting! I hope Bella and Zach have a wonderful Christmas