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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Spunky LilyPad

I want to give a little shout out to my SUPER AWESOMELY talented cousin, Nicole, who made this canvas for me:

Isn't it the cutest thing?? I am a reading junkie and my little princess loves fairy tales of course, so when I saw it, I HAD to have it!!
My original plan was to hang it in Bella's room above her bookshelf, but once I got it, it was too cute not to see it all the time, so I hung it in my main living area! :) It makes me so happy!! It does not make Bella happy that it is not in her room! Guess, I am just going to have to place another order!
She can do all kinds of personal canvas creations, so check out her etsy shop if you think you might be interested in something!

Thanks Nicole!! We love it!


Anonymous said...

i am so glad that you like it.. I have one in my 'toy room'. It says, ' One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood'. It is painted in brown with white lettering. My goal is to put fun pictures of all kids and grandkids being silly but having fun. When I get ready to start hanging my pictures be ready to look for me one. I want to put the pictures on canvas and it will be costly so that is why I have not done it..

gloverfamily said...

I agree!!! What the heck is this "identical" business because I sure did not get that gene!!

*Princess Mommy* said...

girl you got your own version of the AWESOME gene!! I envy you and your coolness every time I read your blog! I loved your post about your recent trip to D.C. So sorry about the White House incident :(
But that could be a really fun trip for you and Brandon to take someday soon!!

hughesfamily said...

I was like...I know that canvas! Ha ha. You are too sweet, Bethany! Really, I am blushing! It was not a big deal. And, I can't believe you found my etsy place. It is just for fun. I am glad you like it! :)

*Princess Mommy* said...

you have a great talent (well, bazillions of them, really) and I want to share it with people! I LOVE stuff like this! I'd have them all over my house!