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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells

(quick note: I have no idea why I named this post THAT title. Something came over me. Sorry.)

Saturday was another exciting day for the family as we had another surprise in store for the munchkins: Santa was landing at the Pink Palace in a helicopter (the reindeer we in a secret location, resting up for the big night), and we were going to be there for the arrival! Brother decided to sit this one out, as he'd much rather get his beauty sleep (he got up at noon-I thought that started closer to 15?!), than go see a big guy in a red suit get dropped off at the crack of dawn (9am).
While we waited, we got to listen to a children's choir, which also happened to include "violin girls", which also happens to be Bella's current love in life right now.
(Listening is very serious business)

of course Lovie was there to enjoy the fastivities too!

When she grows up, she wants to be a nurse AND a violin girl. We'd love to put her in lessons now, but those things are crazy expensive! Like $150 a month expensive! NOPE! At 5, I can't imagine she'd be doing more than learning how to hold the thing and drag the bow across the strings and somehow managing not to drop it. And truthfully, I'd be pretty impressed with that.
Anyways, after watching without blinking for about 15 minutes, the big moment arrived.

Once he stepped out of the helicopter he was totally bum-rushed by about a million people, kids and parents.
(three seconds before the trampling began)

See that face? No, really look into his eyes. That is not the face of a happy, jolly old man. That is the face of a man, stuffed into a big red suit, surrounded by hundreds of pushing, screaming people. The face of a man hoping beyond hopes that one of us parents will be kind enough to slip a little cyanide into his hot cocoa and put him out of this misery. But we have been standing out in the cold for half an hour waiting to get a close up of you old man, so buck up. It ain't gonna happen.
There was a lot of pushing. A lot of shoving. And we pretty much had 2 choices. Get in on the action or get trampled. I am sort of ashamed to say, we got in on it. But hey, our kid got to see Santa instead of having her face plastered in the grass. That was the better choice, right?

See her there, right up in the front?! Shout out to Daddy for that one! No she didn't get to be the one to hold his hand, but that was a set up. Those kids had connections on the inside and were already chosen before He even got there. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure he would have chosen the Princess. How could he NOT choose her?! I mean really, did you see those socks?! How could you not choose the adorable little blond, with the lisp, and poof balls on her socks?! Let's get real here people. It woulda happened.
So He landed, got attacked, took a little walk with all the heathens around the building, and then "went inside to set up." Really he went inside to charge sucker parents $20 apiece for a 5x7 photo, but for us, he "had to go rest up to see all the kids another day." Seriously, $20 for some crappy photo? No thanks. Bass Pro Shop Santa looks way more legit, is super nice, AND He's FREE. AND he lets me take all the pics I want of her with my own camera, which happens to be a lot nicer than the one they use. AND there is a whole "village" full of crafts and games for the little beasts to get involved in. It's a win, win, win, win situation for us all. So later this week, we're gonna get all fancied up and head on down to the local Bass Pro for pictures with our favorite creepy guy that sneaks into our house one night a year! YAY!! Just kidding BassPro Santa really isn't creepy at all; he's super sweet and grandpa-y.
But seriously, let's all take a moment here to think about the concept of Santa. . . it IS a little creepy.

1 comment:

hughesfamily said...

Ha ha! Loved this post! We love our Bass Pro Shops Santa! It was awesome last year.