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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pretty in Pink

For about 3 or 4 years I have been obsessed with raspberry pink. I have dreams about painting my bedroom (or living room or kitchen or ANY room) this color. It just makes me so happy! But, the houses we have lived in have never really been suited to support a bold color like that, so sadly all of my walls are raspberry free.
I'm not sure what came over me, but this morning I woke up and decided I MUST paint something that color (pregnancy hormones??). The front door was the lucky pick! I was tired of it being the drab grey/green it was, and it just seem to fade into the house. Nothing about it said "Welcome to our happy home!"

So Roo and I set out on our painting supply buying mission. I think she was just as excited as I was! Pink is, after all, her signature color.

We even got her a sponge brush so she could help layer on the gorgeousness.
After just one coat I knew I had made the right decision. It was splotchy and completely not finished, but I was already in love.

By the time the 3rd coat was on, I was beginning to contemplate painting my whole house very berry raspberry. The pictures do not do it justice AT ALL! I just can't get the color to show up right on the computer.
I've still got some accessorizing to do-fabulous white house numbers to put on and a gorgeous bright green and white arrangement-so that it's not just a big pink door. The numbers have been ordered, and since Rob took the day off today (YAY!!!), I am going on a hunt for the stuff to make the arrangement. I'll post another pic once it's completely finished but for now. . .

Isn't she lovely?! Isn't she wonderful?!


hughesfamily said...

Hughes may kill me for seeing this, because now I am inspired to paint a door!!! Love it!!! Also, I just got totally sucked into your blog and read all of it! I LOVE the Disney pics!!! I can't wait to take Lily and will defintiely dress her princess-style!

*Princess Mommy* said...

Girl i have painted our door 4 times now! It's such an easy way to make a big difference.
Glad you enjoyed your reading! I was a much better blogger in my early days; hoping I get more inspired and improve as I do it more :)
I LOVE reading yours; it's so great!

Anonymous said...

bethany... love the blog. I am glad that you are posting regularly. I will check it now along with the girls. Love Noni