Blog background

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well it never fails. Every time I finally decide, this is it, I am going to start updating my blog regularly, I fail. Months go by. Nothing. Then after some ridiculous amount of months, I have to do some massive update. I tell myself I'm too busy or too tired or just simply don't feel like it. Then I see a friend's blog-someone who is WAY busier that I am, and it's beautifully up to date with entries almost daily, and I really feel like a loser.
This time is no different. It's been months; be ready for a billion pictures. I'm not promising anything, but just like you can't give up when you fall off the diet wagon, I am not giving up on my blog! Wish me luck, and let the picture bonanza begin!!

July was a fun month, we went on our annual Pickwick trip/family reunion. This was a pretty big trip for the Princess as it was a time of many firsts:
This year she decided that it was time to be brave, and boy was she ever!!!!

She did a little jumping

She did a little skiing. To say she loved it would be a massive understatement! She was quite upset when we told her she wasn't quite big or strong enough to do it by herself. So she settled on skiing hands free with Papa.

Of course there was some swimming (but this year she wasn't afraid to go under!) and a whole lot of tubing! She even did a little "extreme tubing" just like the big kids!

And was generally just plain cute!

August was another busy month for the Princess.
She started Kindergarten

And then we very quickly decided that homeschooling was the way to go for us! We couldn't be happier with that decision. Since the Princess has been able to read since she was 3 and a half, but isn't quite as super awesome at math, it has really allowed us to personalize her education. In fact, even though technically she is in K, she is actually doing first grade work in all of her subjects except math (and even it is an advanced K math program)! Little smarty pants! I'm so proud of her!

Also in August, was another major family development. . . we found out we are pregnant! SURPRISE!

Then came September.
WE WENT TO DISNEY!!!! That little announcement deserves its own post, which I promise to do. But here is a pic to get ya in the mood. It's crazy cute, so be prepared.

September was a little slow; we didn't do much because we were too busy getting ready for our Disney trip.

On to October.
We spent lots of sunny afternoons playing at Papa's

And of course there was Halloween! It was a lot of fun! We had tons of family and friends over for yummy pre-trick-or-treat dinner, and then set out for a night of candy getting!

Although a lot has changed over the past few months, the Princess has gotten taller, her reading has gone from good to really great, she is actually starting to grasp the concept of addition (PRAISE GOD!!), so much is still the same.
She still spends hours, and I literally mean HOURS a day drawing

She still has her imaginary friends (which I LOVE) and although her list of "friends" grows almost every day, the old favorites are still around. I really will miss Jacob and Alice when she eventually outgrows them.

She still adores her Lovie

She's still sassy!

She's still silly!

She loves to read, and nothing could make me more proud!!

She LOVES her family!

She still loves to pretend

And everything about her still melts my heart

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loved it.. don't wait so long to post again...