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Sunday, November 21, 2010

She's Daddy's Little Girl

These past few days have been crazy busy, but super fun.
Thursday, Daddy took the day off to spend some much needed time with his girls. The little one in particular was really needing some special time with her Prince. Since he doesn't get to take too many random, for no particular reason days off, we wanted to really make it great. And since Daddy is so sweet, he packed the day full of the Little Princess's favorite things.
We started the day with a trip to the Children's Museum, which just so happens to be one of Roo's favorite places ever. She was so excited to show Daddy how she can climb to the top of the bird's nest now- because she's 5 and that means you're brave. Her whole life she has been terrified of this thing, and I can't really say I blame her. It's a climbing maze contraption thing that goes insanely high with nothing more than plywood and some chicken wire to "keep you safe." No thanks. BUT as we hear so often in our house now, she IS brave now. As soon as we got there she bolted up into the maze and carefully made her way to the top. Every so often she would stop to look down, with a huge smile on her face, to make sure her Daddy was watching this newly mastered death defying feat. And of course, like any good Prince, he never took his eyes off of his Princess.
(That's her at the top :)

After a few hours of dancing in the disco room

and grocery shopping

and just being plain silly (that was all Daddy!)

(well, maybe not ALL Daddy. . .)

we headed out to the next stop: Gigi's Cupcakes.
On the way to the magical cupcake shop we had a very interesting conversation with Bella about her future career choices. It went like this:
Bella: I've changed my mind about being a nurse (said in her adorable little lisp). I'm gonna be a fire girl now.
Me: Really? Wow! That's exciting!
Bella: Can you get burned being a fire girl?
Daddy: Yes, sometimes you can. That's why those people have to be very brave.
Bella: *long pause* then (said in total valley girl voice): well, then I'm just gonna ride on the big truck.
HAHAHA!!! That's my girl!
It cracked us up, because that is such a typical response for her! It reminded me a lot of our "Bella why won't you give soccer a try" conversation not long ago. Last year, we sort of signed up up for soccer without really asking her. We thought we'd be able to con her into it with the pink cleats, pink shin guards, and pink ball we purchased for her. WRONG. The first night of practice, before we even got in the car, she looked me dead in the face and without hesitation said "NO." Later, when I was trying one last time to guilt her into giving it a try (she'd be SO CUTE!), I asked her why she wouldn't even consider it. Her response? (You must imagine this being said in the most exasperated, 17 year old, pouty, valley girl voice you can) "Momma! You have to run in soccer, and. . . I MIGHT GET SWEATY!" Oh the horror!!!
So, we look back on that little learning experience and make ourselves feel better by telling ourselves we simply made a $90 contribution to the local youth soccer program. We did our part to promote local physical activity. Somehow, we cannot seem to figure out how to do this in our own home however. Anybody need a brand new pair of size 9 pink soccer cleats or a pair of teeny tiny shin guards? Never been worn. Ever.
Ok, back to the story.
If you've never had a Gigi's cupcake, stop reading this, go get one, and come back. You can finish reading while you enjoy the yummy deliciousness. Two warnings though-the flavors change seasonally and daily, so be prepared. Also, if you don't like icing, it may not be the place for you, because seriously, these little cupcakes have a literal mountain of icing on them.

Some people like that more than others

They look pretty, but if you eat all of that buttercream, you are sure to pay for it later, in the form of a horrible stomach ache or crater sized cavity. Either way, it's not gonna be pretty. . .
After browsing over the array of flavors, it was kind of funny to me that none of us really went wild on our choices. Daddy got white cake with chocolate icing, I got lemon on lemon, and Little Miss, in true Princess style got the one with the most Princess-y name: Wedding Cake. Of course she did.

After a few attempts with the icing, she decided a hands free approach suited her better.

Just like a lady.

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