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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

They say "never say never." Not this time.

I hate Barbie. Really. I do. And thats not a good thing to hate when you have a daughter who loves and owns at least half a million of them. Recently, my little darling has discovered the joy of taking Barbie's clothes off and forcing mommy and/or daddy to play fashion carousel at nap and bed time. What is this wonderful game you ask?? It is where Bella strips all Barbies of their clothes and then forces mommy/daddy to dress and re-dress each one in a different one's clothes. Round and round the clothes go, until just the right outfit has made it to it's wearer. It's the best. And it also prolongs bedtime by at least 20 minutes. The bestest part is that when we go in to get her up from bed/nap time, all the Barbies are naked and the game starts over again! WHOO HOO!!! Why do they make the stupid things so hard to dress?
Oh and did I mention, she doesn't just like any old Barbie. It must be a "princess" Barbie. Not Veterinarian Barbie, not Nurse Barbie, or Stock Market Analyst Barbie. No Way! No Barbies with brains at our house. Just Princesses. 
In this insanely PC world we are living in, I keep waiting for a line of "Real World" Barbies. You know, "Teen-age Mom" Barbie or "I'm Only Stripping to Pay My Way Through Nursing School" Barbie. After all, we don't want any kids feeling left out do we??
But I guess any Barbie is better than a BRATZ doll (which is what she is dying to get her hands on!). I REFUSE to allow those into our home. Now, I am a firm believer of "the more you forbid it, the more they want it," but  letting her have a Bratz doll would be like enrolling her in prostitute pre-school!! Those things are so trashy!! With their skanky make-up, collagen injected pouty lips, cleavage enhancing camisoles, and booty shorts-I am positive that teenage boys keep a secret stash of these under their beds!!!
How can you teach your daughter to love and respect her body like the precious gift it is when you are giving her a doll that looks like it just came back from a Playboy 
shoot??!!! (all that being said, I wish I looked half as good in lingerie as these stupid dolls do!)
So anybody thinking of ever buying my little girl one of these, think again. And don't be surprised if you aren't on the next invite list.. . . . . . . . . .
I guess Barbie isn't so bad after all.


Prince Daddy said...

ROFL!!! OMG. You hit the nail on the head on that post! I swear I don't know whats worse though, making sure that every barbie has a "fun dress" or when she askes to change the dress of the one you JUST PUT ON!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Oh well! I agree completely on the Bratz dolls, screw that! I don't want my princess asking for Whore Red Lipstick cuz her toddler baby doll has it. I mean WTF right?

P.S. I think you look dang Sexy in your unmentionables!! Just for the record. ; )

*Princess Mommy* said...

Thanks darling. vo.