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Sunday, February 10, 2008

9:15 Saturday Morning

Wow. Is it today already? I am still exhausted from yesterday. I don't think I quite ready to take on today.
Our Saturday started with a 9:15 am. (yes am) birthday party for a 2 yr old at Pump It up. It's ok. His mommy had really good intentions and it worked out nicely actually. Well, except for the cupcakes. Not sure how good loading the children up on sugar at 11 was for nap time.  :) Didn't really bother us though bc after the party we weren't ready for the fun to end and set out on a whole new escapade, but I'll get to that in the next post.
So the party was @ Pump It Up, an indoor inflatable party extravaganza, which is THE location to have a birthday party for just about any age. It is also probably in the top 5 of Bella's most favorite things on the planet. Just thinking about it nearly makes her head explode.  From the moment we arrive, she is so excited that her voice goes up and stays up at an octave that almost shatters glass. Once they let her in to the magical room of air filled wonder, she is 90 miles an hour till we leave-jumping, running, sliding, jumping some more, skipping, jumping higher. You realize what this means don't you? If you know Bella, you know exactly what it means. It means that we, as in Rob and myself, are going 90 miles an hour as well. Against our out of shape wills. Bella might possibly hold the record for the shyest kid in America;which means that there is not a lot she will do without Rob or me very close by. Most time it isn't that big of a deal. At this place though, unless you are a child or olympic athlete, of which I am neither , it's going to hurt the next day. And it does. My legs feel like I spent the day doing lunges or something! You'd think that I would take that as a hint that maybe I should start doing some sort of exercise and at least attempt to be in shape. No. I take it as a sign that I must avoid Pump It Up at all costs! My health, well-being, and freedom of movement are at stake here!
In the end though a great time was had by all, Bella got to see her pal Lily (thats them in the picture heading in to the party), I got to see Jen, and no major injuries occurred.  And thankfully Bella wanted Daddy to play with her most of the party! Thank God for small blessings.

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