I don't know that any of this will be funny to any of you. Maybe you had to be there. However, I found it hilarious, and its my blog, so I'm posting it.
After the super fun day we had had yesterday, Rob and I decided that it should end fun as well. Granny Karen was keeping the kids, so we were free! First on the list, decide what to do. That wasn't hard. 1.Its winter. That means its cold. And that means I am avoiding the outdoors as much as I possibly can. 2. Its our city. And that means that unless you like the downtown/club/party scene (which we only occasionally do. In warm weather), there aren't a whole of of options. So we decide on dinner and a movie. Which was fine bc thats kind of our thing. Next, deciding on the movie. Well that wasn't really hard either. Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson (two of my most favorite actors) are in FOOL'S GOLD so it was the obvious choice. Done. Side note, movie was horrible. Waste of good time and talent.
Last, do we go alone or invite friends. This one required a bit more consideration. But after careful thought, we decided to invite Jen and Shaun. Meet for dinner, then off we go.
Dinner. This is where the fun began. For starters, we had a waiter named Robert, but Jen decides that he shall be called Jorge (as in the spanish pronunciation Horhey). And call him that we did. Across the room. From other tables. From wherever. Jorge!! Vamanos! Luckily he was a young guy with a big sense of humor, and he answered back in as much spanish as he could remember. He really was a lot of fun. I think one of my favorite things is a good server. It just makes me happy. And Jorge was great!
Then funny thing number 2. The hookers. Not really, just regular girls attempting to look like hookers I think. Apparently that's "in." We are all sitting at the table talking about how completely skanky young girls dress and act nowadays, and how the fact that we are even having this conversation is weird bc just a few years ago Jen and I would have been dressed just like them, and Rob and Shaun would have been checking them out. We are laughing bc now when we see a young girl in a revealing top, we don't want to rush over and ask her where she got it, we want to rush over saying, "oh no ma'am!" and cover her with a jacket. The guys are laughing bc they have realized that they generally no longer wish they could hit on these girls, they want to hurry over and say, "does your father know you wore that out?!" So we are all sitting at the table laughing about our new found maturity when in walk the HITs (Hookers In Training). One has a skirt on that is so short she can't move her legs too much when she walks or her butt cheeks will fall out, completed by black leather stiletto knee boots. Classy. HIT #2 looks fine from the back. Jeans and a tight black shirt. Cute. Then she turns around. WHERE THE HELL IS THE FRONT OF THE SHIRT GIRL!!?? NOT ON YOU!!!
This shirt had a cleavage revealing "keyhole" neckline, more like a pothole if you ask me, that went from the hollow of her neck to her stomach, and width wise went as wide as it could with out getting her arrested! I wanted desperately to take a picture to post here, but she wouldn't stay turned around long enough to do it without looking obvious. So we do the next best thing-talk about it. The guys could not get a good look, and our waiter found it extremely funny that Jen and I were putting so much effort into showing our husband's this girl's boob shirt (they ended up having to take a special trip to the bathroom in order to see it.). The HITs made for great dinner conversation.
Funny thing #3. While we are eating, a couple of young guys sit down at the table beside us. For some reason, Jen felt the need to tell our waiter to look at that "huge nerd over there with his cowboy hat, skater shoes, and preppy shirt on." "Thats my best friend," Jorge replies. No way. He wasn't joking. In keeping with his previous good humor, Jorge yells over to Best Friend, "Hey they said you're a huge nerd for wearing your hat with skater shoes!" AKWARD. Thanks Jorge-there went your really great tip. Surprisingly though, Best Friend was a good humored guy too, and just laughed about the whole thing! Re-instate Jorge's tip.
On to the movies. This was my most favorite funny part of the night.
*disclaimer:Shaun is not a pedophile. That is the entire reason this was hilariously funny. Thats him doing his best to look like one in the black and white picture.
In anticipation of a great movie, the theater was pretty full so the only real place for us to sit was on make-out row. Thats the back row for those of you who didn't date much in high school. So while we are up there being mature about sitting in make out row, in walk more HITs!! And they are going to sit right next to SHAUN!!! As they are walking up though, Jen loudly tells Shuan, "Keep your hands off of them. They are definitely under-age." HAAAAA!!!!
Then, when the girl's sit down next to Shaun, Jen leans over, calmly points to Shaun, and loudly whispers "he's a pedophile." Then sits back like she just told them they were getting the best seats in the house. The girls immediately got up and moved!!!! I thought I was going to fall out of my freaking chair! Rob and I are laughing so hard we could hardly breathe! I typically find myself to be a pretty funny kind of girl. But last night, Jen got the prize. I don't know that I can ever top that one.
1 comment:
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! That was a great story! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall following you guys around all night....long live the HIT's! HA!!!!
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