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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Life With Bella

Apparently 3 is the magic number. Why? Because now that Bella is about to be three, I am constantly being asked when we are going to have another child. What's wrong with the children I've got??? I like them.
Are Rob and I planning on having another? no. We're good. Thanks.
As most of you know, we had a really difficult time conceiving Bella. It was an extremely emotional roller coaster. And the only part of that ride that I liked was the amazing prize I got at the end.
So here we are, already feeling like we have our own little miracle baby, when I get a real eye opener. Recently, my Dr. eloquently informed me that my getting pregnant with Bella never should have happened, and was, for lack of a better term, a fluke. A fluke??? Not my blue eyed, crazy haired, opinionated little Princess. She is not a fluke. She is miracle. A wonder. An amazement. A gift. . . . A gift that i sometimes search frantically for the receipt to. Is there a return policy??? 
I'm mostly kidding. But I really could write a book about all the things people forgot to mention about raising a girl. When I was pregnant, I had a small library of books informing me of all the weird and disgusting, and amazingly beautiful things my body would experience over the next nine months. I had friends telling me about the things that were too gross for the books. Even a sales lady at Dillard's informed me about a few pregnancy "things" that were so gross I refuse to think about them, much less post them here. Point is, I was informed, I was ready. The birthing process is TOTALLY excluded from that though. No stupid book could have EVER prepared me for it. But more on that in another post maybe.
As prepared as I was for pregnancy, I was completely UNprepared for actually raising my daughter once she chose to exit the comfort of my womb (2 weeks late I might add).
Where did all of my super-informed friends vanish to??? Melissa, you get to plead ignorance here. (She has two sons. I 'm sure they will make it into a post before its all said and done.) There are SOO many things that no one ever warned me about. No one told me that my daughter would be born with opinions, strong ones, like they were gained from knowledge and life experience. How did that happen??!! Osmosis?? Not a soul told me that by 1, she would have developed an attitude that could give any 15 year old girl a real run for her money. I really thought I had until the teenage years on this one ladies. Thanks. No one told me that our home and family would become a Dictatorship-with her holding absolute power. No one told me that I, a strong, steadfast woman, would hunker into submission when the Little Princess's orders were handed out, no matter how berserk they may seem. And the list is only getting longer the older she gets!
I feel betrayed.
Maybe my "friends" never told me for fear that I would check myself in to a "happy place" before the fun even started. Or maybe they thought I would start each day with a mimosa if I had any idea about what was coming my way. OR maybe, and this is what I really think, they get some sick pleasure out of seeing me so caught off guard. After all, they think with a giggle of satisfaction, no one warned me! Why should she have it any easier?? BECAUSE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FRIENDS PEOPLE, THATS WHY!!!!

. . . But she is me. . . in so very many ways. All of her attitude and stubbornness. Her opinions. Her amazingly strong will. Her sensitivity. Her desire. Her love of art and dance. She is me. Her short little legs, her giant, infectious smile. Her wildly deranged hair. She is me.  
And every time I look  into the face that so closely resembles mine, I know that I would never, ever exchange even a second of my extraordinary, breathtaking, bewildering life with Bella.