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Friday, February 22, 2008

Robby D. Must Die.

Ok so I post about doing our best to be healthy and all that. I then get up from my computer and go to my pantry. Hoping for a wholesome delicious snack. Organic granola or something. Ha! Just kidding. But seriously, I am trying to eat better. I'm scanning the shelves. Hmmm. . . . whole grain crackers? Nah. Crasins and almonds. Not this time. For the love of God, what is that?!?!?! THAT my dear friends, is Tagalongs. A sinfully delicious peanut butter filled slice of heaven. Sent directly to my house for $3 by an adorable girl scout. It is my kryptonite. And Rob brought it here.
I stand there. Willing myself to look away from the box. They aren't really there, you did not see that. But my eyes keep darting back to them, with some sort of strange magnetic force!! I need an intervention!! But I am home alone with two children!!And they offer no help at all! "Yeah Mommy! Let's eat chocolate cookies for breakfast!! It will be fun!" they squeal! Then they begin dancing around me like little deranged Indians (Native Americans for you PC people) chanting, "COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES!" 
The force is strong. I can feel my arm reaching out to that wondrous little red box completely against my will! I. MUST. BE. STRONG. 
But alas. It is too late. 
I sit here now, 6 incredible cookies later, grinning like a chocolate covered cheshire cat. Licking the magical stuff off my fingers as I type. 
How can I be so happy, yet feel so guilty all at the same time?
That was so wonderful. And it is all Rob's fault. And now he must die.


Anonymous said...


Prince Daddy said...

LOL is right, that's the funniest post yet!!! Funny part is that I didn't do it on purpose, I ordered those from Teresa about 2 months ago. (before cokes and chocolate were band from the house in place of Grass patties and dirt wafers) so alas what could I do? Girl Scouts work hard pimpin these cookies. We are doing our part for America!! {internal thought} **i probably shouldn't tell her about the thin mints in the bottom of the freezer, hmmmm**